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Adamex Sierra Special Edition. Impact absorbing materials. Google przekaże powyższe informacje osobom trzecim, jeśli wymagają tego przepisy prawa lub jeśli osoby trzecie przetwarzają powyższe dane na zlecenie Google. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily. Wykorzystanie wtyczek społecznościowych Na naszej stronie internetowej używane są tzw. Total: 0, 00 EUR. Triplets quadruplets Rain shield included. Klupś bedding. Basket Maximum Capacity kg. Stroller systems such as the Barletta Retro Deluxe or Marcello are offering a blend of traditional and modern elements. The CabrioFix can be installed in the car with the 3-point seat belt Quick and easy installation in combination with an ISOFIX base unit Lighweight infant carrier with ergonomic handlebar for easy carrying Cover can be removed from the car seat without dismantling the integral harness Cover can be removed from the car seat and is easy to wash and clean in the washing machine Comfort Extra padding near the head for extra support and comfort for the newborn In combination with the FamilyFix, the CabrioFix can be put into 5 comfortable positions giving the newborn optimal comfort Sun protected with the integrated sun canopy Safety CabrioFix includes a 3-point safety harness The Side Protection System protects the head and neck of your newborn Car seat is positioned rearward-facing in the car for optimal safety General Very convenient adjustment of the headrest making the CabrioFix adaptable to the size of the baby In combination with the.

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Terms and conditions of how they operate here have been outlined in the privacy policy section. We appreciate that you do not want the personal information you provide to us distributed indiscriminately and this policy explains Stroller adamex we collect information about you, Stroller adamex, what we do with it and what controls you have. The website is owned by P. We can only provide the goods and services ordered by you if you provide us Stroller adamex your personal data. For the purpose of providing these services, we collect personal data about you such as : your name, address, email address, telephone.

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Lista została przefiltrowana.

Adamex strollers are offering modern solutions and a wide range of color combinations. Thanks to the robust chassis equipped with soft suspension and large wheels, Adamex strollers can typically handle even a more challenging terrain. The carrycots of the 2in1 or 3in1 stroller systems are spacious and well ventilated. The soft padding there provides comfortable and safe sleeping space for the baby. If you like retro-type strollers, Adamex offers various models in traditional style - a good example being the well known Katrina. Stroller systems such as the Barletta Retro Deluxe or Marcello are offering a blend of traditional and modern elements.

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Author: Zulushakar

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