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Glimmer told her that Catra wanted to do one good thing in her life. Dlatego też nie ucieka po pierwszym spotkaniu z Bow i Glimmer, gdyż chce dowiedzieć się czegoś o sobie i swojej przeszłości. Jednak nie jest w stanie tego zrobić ze względu na infekcję jej ran wywołaną wirusem Horde Prime. W następnym odcinku również dochodzi do potyczki postaci. She-Ra used her powers to heal Catra's injuries. Retrieved January 2, She is slightly more muscular than in her earlier form, and her hair is a slightly lighter blonde and in a style similar to her civilian one, but her ponytail is longer. Przechowywanie lub dostęp techniczny jest niezbędny do uzasadnionego celu przechowywania preferencji, o które nie prosi subskrybent lub użytkownik. Po jakimś czasie budzi się i sprawia wrażenie kompletnie " pijanej ". Spada na stertę krzaków i dostrzega niezwykły miecz. Podczas pierwszego spotkania ten ujawnia dziewczynie, że jest odwiecznym wrogiem jej ludu, Pierwszych. They introduce her to parties, and when the Horde attacks the village she is partying at, she makes the choice to take up the mantle of She-Ra and defend them from the Horde, defecting and becoming estranged from Catra.

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However, after the invasion of Thaymore, they become best friends and rebellion leaders together. There, she encounters Catra and numerous illusions draw forth memories of their past together, always promising to watch out for each other, but their bond cannot be mended and Catra departs. Podczas jednej z walk zostaje uratowana przez Scorpię, Bow i Swift Winda. Kocica chwyta ją za dłoń i stara się uspokoić, że to wszystko to są zwidy. Nawet podczas festiwalu w Thaymor za pomocą kija rozwala piniatę jakby ta była prawdziwym wrogiem. W okresie sześciu lat nie miała jednego zęba w górnej części jamy ustnej. Adora continued to resist Light Hope's insistence that she must follow her fate; Adora chose to make her own way.


Gdy She-Ra ma szansę do pokonania kocicy nie jest w stanie jej uderzyć. Adora discovers the Sword of Protection , by which she gains the ability to transform into the "Princess of Power"—She-Ra. Kocica wyjaśnia, że dzięki niej atak na Thaymor poszedł doskonale. Dzięki niemu zobaczyła także wizje z Light Hope i z przeszłości. Arriving there, they find that the planet is in ruins. You don't have to go back there. Exemplified in " The Portal ," she is momentarily shocked to learn that he is the Bright Moon Castle Royal Historian, and later, when confessing to her friends, she states that she's proud of him, and knows that his fathers are too. Catra zabiera Adorę do Serca Etherii. Dopiero po zniszczeniu źródła zasilania roboty stają się łagodne, a Adora odzyskuje świadomość. After Scorpia separated Adora from her sword she became docile and incoherent. Nie chce popełniać błędów takich jak ona, chce być najlepszą She-Rą jaka może istnieć. Catra carries Adora to the Heart of Etheria. Jest załamana tym, że She-Ry już nie ma, a broń została połamana.

Strona główna - ADORA Sp. z o.o

  • Nagle wychodzi z niej także Catra.
  • Adora invites Melog to come with them Adora Etheria and thanks to Catra's suggestion had Melog use it's magic to cloak the ship and go through the Horde blockade, Adora.
  • Stara się nakłonić dawną przyjaciółkę by tak jak ona przeszła Adora stronę dobra.
  • Okazuje się także, Adora, że zarówno on jak i She-Ra odpalają program " Serce Etherii ".
  • Adora continues to train with Light Hope to enhance her martial prowess Adora She-Ra while staving off the Horde that continues to assail the woods, Adora.
  • The pain that you caused.

She is currently in a romantic relationship with Catra. Adora was raised from infancy as a member of Horde by the sorceress Shadow Weaver. On the day she was promoted to Force Captain , she was captured by members of the Rebellion. Adora learns that the Horde, rather than being a positive influence on their planet as she had thought , has been a force of evil and destruction. Ultimately, she befriends her captors, Bow and Glimmer , and joins them in their fight with the other princesses against the Horde. Adora discovers the Sword of Protection , by which she gains the ability to transform into the "Princess of Power"—She-Ra. She also discovers that she is not a native of Etheria , but actually belongs to a race called the First Ones , and that she was brought to Etheria through a portal by Light Hope. After shattering her original sword, she eventually learns to draw the power from within her and transform into She-Ra without it, as well as being able to summon into existence a new sword at will, with powers similar to that of her former sword. At the end of the battle with the Horde and the defeat of Horde Prime , she recognizes that she is in love with Catra, her childhood friend and former enemy. Together with Catra, she decides to explore and restore magic to the universe along with their friends Bow and Glimmer. ND Stevenson has declared Adora to be 17 years old at the beginning of the series. According to ND, 3 years have passed since Season One. Adora is a tall, pale tan-skinned teenage girl with a slender and athletic physique. She has blue-gray eyes, dark brown narrow eyebrows, and thick lashes. Her most distinctive feature is her long dark blonde hair, usually kept in a high ponytail with a dark gray hair tie, and a poof in the front. Adora wears a red, quarter-length-sleeved jacket with a popped pale-beige collar along with a Force Captain badge , which she removes once she defects from the Horde. Under her jacket, she wears a white turtleneck with pointed cuffs, small red stripes on the sleeves and light gray accents initially with the Horde symbol on the back, which is removed after she defects to the Rebellion.

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Inshe released her debut EP Adorable Rebirth, Adora. Adora began singing and writing songs at an early age, Adora. She joined Stardom Entertainment as a year-old in Inshe auditioned for Big Hit Music 's "Next New Creator", where she made it past the second round, but turned down the offer because she was still a trainee Adora another company at the time, Adora. Nevertheless, Big Hit sent her some tracks for BTS ' sophomore album Wingsincluding "Interlude: Wings", Adora, which became her first professional songwriting credit under the name Adora. On October 25,media outlets announced that Adora had signed an exclusive contract with Aura Entertainment. On March 7,Adora released the single "The Little Name", inspired by some of her childhood memories, including certain people whom she missed from that time. The nine-track EP included her three previously released singles Adora six new songs, including an instrumental version of Adora lead single "Magical Symphony. Adora revealed that Adora had thyroid cancer and underwent surgery at 23 years old Korean age. All songwriting credits are adapted from the Korea Music Copyright Association 's database, unless otherwise noted. Contents Adora to sidebar hide. Article Talk.

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Micah used dark magic to entrap the heroes and he tried to interrupt Adora's accepting of the fail-safe, Adora.

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